Fleas on Dogs and Symptoms

Fleas are tiny little pests that can cause big problems for your dog. Once fleas are on your dog they can cause a number of problems, and after they enter your home they might even feast on you. This article features symptoms of fleas on dogs. Let's check out to get more information about fleas on dogs and take a better care of your dogs
Beyond Scratching
Scratching is usually one common indicator of fleas, but you can’t assume that your dog doesn’t have fleas just because there’s no scratching. Some dogs are very sensitive to flea bites and will scratch incessantly. Others are more tolerant and will be virtually covered with fleas but will scratch very little. 
Gnawing and Biting
If your dog is gnawing or biting, especially at the top side of the base of their tail, they should definitely be evaluated for fleas.
Hair Loss in Dogs
Gnawing or scratching can often lead to another tell-tale sign of fleas, says Grimmett—hair loss or matted hair. Usually once the fleas are gone the hair will grow back, but sometimes there are more lasting effects, she says.
Red Marks or Scabs
Although it’s not a guarantee, a dog with fleas will sometimes show visible signs on their skin. Clark says “little red marks” on the base of the tail are one symptom of flea bites, and that a more generalized redness can occur if the dog scratches himself a lot.
Pale Gums
Although fleas don’t target a dog’s gums, signs of fleas can still be present there. Clark says dogs with a severe flea problem may lose so much blood that they get anemia, which can cause a dog’s gums to become white or pale pink. Evans says severe anemia can be fatal, especially in puppies.
Behavioral Signs
Not all symptoms of fleas on dogs are physical—a flea infestation can make dogs act differently, too. Sometimes dogs can be cranky, restless or just plain acting odd